Monday, May 5, 2008

Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay

Much lewder, cruder and even more vulgar than the original. Much more female nudity too. Of course Jim loved it. Me, not so much. Harold and Kumar get arrested on an airplane and get sent to Guantanamo Bay Prison. The movie takes a lot of much deserved cracks at Homeland Security. They wind up traveling across the South and, while dispelling the stereotypes about Koreans and Indians, they wind up reinforcing stereotypes of every other race and culture along the way. OK, we didn’t get the joke that was supposed to be insulting to blacks, about pouring out grape soda onto the street, much to the dismay of the stereotyped black folks. Could someone explain this one to us? I did laugh out loud a few times, but mostly I was cringing at how lewd it was. As I said, Jim loved it… I loved the first movie, (OK, except for 2 REALLY gross parts, yeah, the girls in the bathroom and the puss bursting guy), but the rest of it was side-splitting and stereotype busting fun. As I said, this sequel one makes fun of all white people, Jews, and everyone in Alabama (and the rest of the South), and blacks too, though I didn’t get the joke. Anyway, more of an immature guy movie… Not so much enjoyable for girls…

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