Friday, November 16, 2012


3.5 stars
Not what the previews lead you to believe.  Denzel Washington plays an alcoholic pilot, who also uses cocaine to "sober" himself up, and makes a miraculous landing of a commercial airplane.  The airline flight was very exciting, very cool.  The rest of the film is watching Denzel make a waste of himself, make all the wrong decisions, and you just want to dope-slap him!  The previews make him look like a shiny hero pilot, who unfortunately had some alcohol in his system after presumably having a couple of innocent social drinks, and is being unfairly prosecuted.  Nope, that is not the case.  There is some great acting, but it's just not my kind of film.  Standout performance by Kelly Riley (Sherlock Holmes) as Denzel's love interest.  Only for fans of Denzel who have the patience to watch him depressingly hit rock bottom.

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