Friday, July 20, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Sci-Fi, Action
3.5 stars
Really, really long! 2 hours and 44 minutes long! Batman seems to have met his match with a bad guy named Bane (get it?) who wears a weird mask that makes his voice annoyingly loud. I won’t give anything away, but it would have been helpful if I had refreshed my memory by re-watching the previous two installments of this series. Anne Hathaway costars as a sort of cat woman – though that title was never used. I thought some of the conversations and scenes moved way too slowly for an overdone dramatic effect. My thoughts: too long, too slow, too dark, they tried too hard to make it super dramatic and how exactly did Batman return to Gotham City (you’ll get what I mean when you see it)? It would be best if you remember all the former characters from the previous movies, and don’t buy any soda unless you have an iron bladder. I stayed about 2 or 3 minutes into the closing credits until the cast rolled, and there were no extra scenes. This so-called “trilogy” is still wide open for more sequels. Only for true fans of this series.

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