Thursday, July 19, 2012

Beasts of the Southern Wild

Indie, Drama
4 stars
Good but depressing with gritty, extreme poverty, such as in the film Winter’s Bone. This film is told through the perspective of a six year old girl (Quvenzhané Wallis) being raised by her scary and volatile single father (Dwight Henry) in a filthy trailer heaped with trash in a small community cut off from the world by a levee. The community is full of survivors who raise their own livestock for food and work together to weather storms that completely flood their town. It is interesting to see their pride in their lifestyles and how they get by without jobs or any form of aid. I just got so depressed by all the trash in their homes – they make the folks in that show Hoarders look clean and organized! Good film on the human spirit and perseverance.

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