Thursday, July 19, 2012

Amazing Spiderman

Sci-Fi, Action
4 stars
Decent action flick, but skip the 3D version. Andrew Garfield stars as the brilliant Peter Parker, raised by his aunt and uncle (Sally Field and Martin Sheen) who just wants to find out what happened to his parents. Rhys Ifans plays a former colleague of his father; Emma Stone plays his crush and Dennis Leary plays the police captain not amused by Spiderman’s tactics. I liked this better than previous Spidey flicks because there is no sappy billionaire best friend storyline. As I said, I didn’t find any benefit in paying extra for the 3D version, stick with the 2D – which is too bad because I thought there would be plenty of Spidey swinging towards the audience; but there wasn’t. Stay during the closing credits as there is an additional scene about a minute into them. Fun flick.

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