Friday, July 29, 2011

Captain America

3 stars
Very slow to start. I was looking forward to Chris Evans’s transformation from a geeky, skinny kid to a super soldier who kicks butt in WWII. Unfortunately the film wastes a lot of time before that happens. I am all for a good, solid background story, but I was bored at the start of this film with evil Nazis and a creepy scientist acquiring the magical element that can give people super strength. When Chris Evans is finally transformed into a super soldier, they waste even more time with the WWII US Treasury Bond Drive. I understand the chain of events was necessary to give him the patriotic costume and title of Captain America, but I think it could have been done better (Robert Downey Jr.’s transformation into Iron Man was so much better). Then there is the evil nemesis, whose cartoony face immediately reminded me of a red version of Jim Carrey’s character in The Mask. The film was OK. I’m sure some people would love it, but it just wasn’t my thing. I am hoping the inevitable Captain America 2 will be better.

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