Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cop Out

2.5 stars
What a bummer. Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan play buddy cops who use an irritating thief, Seann Williams Scott (American Pie), to help with a case. I love all three actors and was looking forward to a silly comedy, but I was sadly disappointed. I am not sure if Morgan was the victim of bad writing or if he is a Jim Carrey-type who gets too out of control when not reigned-in, but he had the most embarrassingly bad scenes including the opening scene where he acts out famous movie bits during an interrogation, and another long spiel on bowel movements. This is all the type of stuff that would appeal to young boys, but the violence and profanity is not exactly kid-friendly. Even the violent drug dealer, Guillermo Diaz, who was supposed to be scary, had a comic scene that was completely incongruous with his character. I blame the director, Kevin Smith (Clerks), who I never liked anyway. Wait for cable – or not.

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