Monday, March 19, 2012

Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax

Family, Animation
4.5 stars
Very cute! Based on Dr. Seuss’ classic tale, a boy (Zac Efron) living in a completely plastic, artificial world wants to impress a girl (Taylor Swift) by finding a real tree to plant. His grandmother (Betty White) tells him the only person who would know anything about trees (Ed Helms) lives far outside of town, where no one ever goes. And so the adventure begins. Danny DeVito voices the title character who is the keeper of the forest. I absolutely loved the adorable little forest creatures. The only thing I didn’t care for was the musical number about greed, but it was a necessary part of the story. The animation didn’t take advantage of the 3D effects, so save your money and go to the 2D version. Really cute film.

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