Friday, December 23, 2011

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Drama, Mystery
5 stars
Well done. A disgraced journalist (Daniel Craig) is hired by a retired corporate mogul (Christopher Plummer) to look into the 40 year old missing person’s case of his favorite niece. Rooney Mara plays the title character who is a freelance PI (and also a ward of the state) hired by the same mogul to investigate the journalist’s background and then decides to continue investigating on her own. Of course several of the details and clues from the book and the previous film have been changed to streamline the story. Some scenes include violent sexual abuse. Thankfully, the Hollywood version doesn’t shy away from certain scenes that I was sure they would tone down. Noomi Repace of the original Swedish version will always be my hero, but Rooney Mara is a pretty damn good replacement. Loved it.

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