Thursday, December 2, 2010

Love and Other Drugs

Dry Comedy, Romance
3.5 stars
Not so much. Anne Hathaway stars as an off-putting, rhymes-with-“witch” who is suffering from the early stages of Parkinson’s disease. Jake Gyllenhaal costars as a charming, lovable, womanizer who can’t resist her (love him!). While it’s obvious Hathaway’s character is pushing people away as a defense mechanism, she is just so completely unlikable it’s almost impossible to feel sorry for her. Initially, Jake’s just in it for the sex, but you know what happens. The acting was very good, but like I said, Hathaway’s character is such a smug know-it-all, all I could hope for was for Jake to dump her! Also, I don’t have a problem with nudity for the occasional love scene or doctor’s visit, but I got real sick of her boobs popping up in almost every scene. This is a romance, but I won’t put it in the “chick flick” category as I think it’s more of a man’s film with Anne’s boobs and Jake’s womanizing ways. Oliver Platt and Hank Azaria co-star as comic relief. There is a very moving scene, where we begin to like Anne’s character, which includes other people suffering from the terrible disease. The movie is good in every other aspect except for the very unlikeable lead character (though she grows on you in the end).

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