Tuesday, January 26, 2010

White Ribbon

Foreign, Drama
2 stars
Long, slow, and strange. This movie won the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film, but I’m not sure why, and my fellow movie goers were equally perplexed. The setting is a small German village in the year before WWI broke out, where most of the townsfolk are employed by the local Baron and Baroness. Terrible “accidents” start to occur, and a couple of small children are found tied up and beaten. A note is left with one child that sinners will be punished with the punishment doled out on their children. Nothing is explained in the end either, you just have to decide certain occurrences were revenge, others were doled out by all the creepy children in the village. And nobody knows what happened to certain missing townsfolk. German with English subtitles; filmed in black and white. Skip it.

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