Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tooth Fairy

Family, Comedy
2.5 stars
Corny but cute. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson plays an arrogant, cocky hockey player who is sentenced to two weeks of tooth fairy service after he told a little girl there is no such thing. Ashley Judd plays his girlfriend, Julie Andrews co-stars as the head of the tooth fairy world, and Billy Crystal has a small role as the gadget guy (like “Q” in the Bond films). I love “The Rock” and was looking forward to seeing him play the tough guy in a tutu. But his character was not likable, and the tutu was a temporary mishap; they found male fairy clothes for him. I did like the goofy Stephen Merchant (from the British version of “The Office”) as Johnson’s case worker. The kiddies should wait for cable, and adults should skip it.

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