Monday, February 16, 2009

Friday The 13th (2009)

3 stars
Fun horror movie :). Ok, I admit I am quite strange and was the only one in the theater laughing out loud (truly busting my sides!) while Jason Voorhees slashed and chopped up his victims. I got a real exhilarating rush out of it, like when you just get off of a roller coaster ride. Of course the twenty-somethings were obnoxious and it is fun to root for the bad guy. After so many disappointing sequels in this series, this was one of the better ones as some dim-witted adventurers once again return to Camp Crystal Lake in search of a field of marijuana. Hey look! A dilapidated cabin that looks like it will fall over! Lets go inside and creep around in the dark! Ha, ha ha… such stupidity deserves a swift death sentence. OK, two of the victims were fun and sort of loveable and I was sorry to see them go. Jared Padalecki (from TV’s Supernatural) stars while searching for his missing sister. I’d like to give this one a higher rating because it really elevated my spirits, but I guess I have to be realistic. David will like it (topless girls! I probably laughed the hardest when the topless water skier got it…) and I think Laura will get some giggles out of it too.

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