Friday, June 15, 2012

Rock of Ages

Musical, Comedy
3.5 stars
Corny but cute. Small town girl Julianne Hough moves to LA to pursue her dreams, while Alec Baldwin and Russell Brand try to keep their nightclub afloat by depending on an unreliable rock star (Tom Cruise) to make an appearance. It feels kinda like Glee taking on the 80’s, but I got a kick out of those church lady clothes (I swear they raided my 1980’s office clothes closet) and now I really miss my old denim jacket. Baldwin and Brand are hilarious – in fact Brand is a pretty good rock singer too. Julianne Hough’s helium-filled voice made me cringe a bit, and Catherine Zeta-Jones made up for her overacting by belting out some rock classics quite well. Newcomer Diego Boneta (90210, Pretty Little Liars) plays Hough’s love interest, and Mary J. Blige was a welcome relief from some of the cheesier songs. Paul Giamatti co-stars as Cruise’s sleazy manager. A fun movie I bet Suri Cruise will never be allowed to watch given her dad’s sleazy/sexy role. Fun.

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