Friday, November 18, 2011

Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1

Sci-Fi, Teen Romance
3.5 stars
Decent, follows the book well. In part one of the fourth book in the saga, sad faced Bella and brooding Edward get married; Jacob pouts has temper tantrums. Kristen Stewart, Rob Pattinson, Taylor Lautner. There’s good and there’s bad. The good is that the wolves are just totally cool, the labor scene was pretty intense, and I loved the honeymoon retreat. The bad is, well, Kristen Stewart’s acting, her ugly engagement ring, the sappy wedding and all the brooding and pouting! Oh, and I was really looking forward to an intense sex scene after three books/movies of chaste anticipation. They could have at least spent as much time on some animalistic sex as they did on the sugar-coated wedding! Well at least I have a sense of humor about it. Twi-hard fans should love it.

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