Monday, August 22, 2011

One Day

Chick Flick, Romance
3.5 stars
Decent portrayal of the best selling book. July 15 is the one day each year for 20 years that we check in on Dexter and Emma, a privileged cad and bohemian idealist respectively, whom the audience knows full well were meant for each other, if only they could figure it out for themselves. Jim Sturgess and Anne Hathaway star as friends since college graduation who are attracted to each other, but instead make bad decisions and waste many years seeking other options. I read the book and was frustrated with the years these two with so much potential had wasted. And the end of the book just pissed me off. Still, I’m a sucker for romance and wanted to see the big screen version which stayed true to the original story, and the few things that were omitted weren’t missed. To those who didn’t read the book it may feel choppy (the book was too) and they may feel slighted from some of the details that were glossed over. Good movie, albeit bittersweet.

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