Thursday, March 17, 2011

Red Riding Hood

Horror, Romance
2 stars
A sure bet for the Raspberry Awards. A small village is terrorized by a werewolf, the only question is who could it be? Amanda Seyfried is the red-hooded star who has two hotties vying for her affections (hmm, sound much like Twilight?) and her preferred hottie even has a modern haircut much like Robert Pattinson’s, but this actor is Shiloh Fernandez. The underdog hottie is played by Max Irons. Julie Christie has a terrible role as Grandmother. I know many of the better known actors in the film can actually act, so apparently the director, Catherine Hardwicke, also of Twilight fame, should not be allowed to work in film again. There were actually some aspects I liked about this film. The scenery was gorgeous, I loved the cameramen’s scenic angles and shots, I liked the whole Renaissance Faire type wardrobe and village. But, poor direction, unconvincing acting and flat dialogue mire this film. Only for die-hard romantics, Renaissance Faire fans, and maybe some Twi-hard fans would like it too.

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