Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunshine Cleaning

Chick Flick/Drama
4 stars
This movie was so good on so many levels. Amy Adams (Doubt, Enchanted) and Emily Blunt (Devil Wears Prada) as sisters who live in a nowhere town with no prospects and start a business together cleaning up after crime scenes (a little gross with the left over blood and stuff). There are some laughs but the movie goes deeper into the sisters’ past and what is troubling them. As always, Adams perfectly expresses all her emotions through her eyes. I had trouble categorizing this movie as a chick flick because it is not a happy-feel-good romance type of movie. It is more a movie about trying to get your life together and improving it. Alan Arkin and Steve Zahn also star, as does Jason Spevack as the adorably cute son of Adams. Great movie.

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