Friday, December 5, 2008


Good movie, but not the epic it was hoping to be. Someday I will learn to go to a movie without expectations, but I haven’t learned that lesson yet; I’m a late bloomer. Kidman and Jackman try to beat a competitor by herding cattle to the troops during WWII. Australia begins as sort of a corny comedy, where prissy Nicole Kidman and tough guy Hugh Jackman behave just like Katherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart in African Queen. Then the movie switches back and forth from corny, to serious drama, to overly dramatic, even stealing a bit of the plot from South Pacific. Overall, I liked the movie but not as much as I would have had I not watched the constant previews that led you to believe it would be the next Gone With The Wind. Good movie, but very long – don’t drink too much of your soda or you won’t be able to hold it!

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