Saturday, April 19, 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

I wasn’t even intending to see this movie, but I was in need of a comedy… Guy gets dumped by girl, then winds up stuck in the same Hawaiian hotel with her and her new boyfriend. It stars Jason Segel (from How I Met Your Mother) and Kristen Bell (I have no idea why she is famous?), also Mila Kunis (from That 70’s Show). I did laugh out loud several times; I thought the hotel employees were lovable, and I thought the young newlywed couple (who had abstained from sex until their marriage) was hilarious. I think they tried too hard for laughs at times, especially with the weird rock star boyfriend, but the audience seemed to enjoy it. Jason Segel displays full frontal nudity several times for comic affect and it seemed to get a lot of laughs from the audience. The movie was good for a few laughs, but it’s not the best comedy I’ve seen.

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